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Because quants careers are evolving all the time, a postgraduate degree can help you stay at the forefront of your field. Find out where to do your Honours, Masters or even your PhD, and how to fund your continuous learning.

Funding your studies

There are many ways to pay for your undergrad and postgrad studies towards a quants career. Learn more about each option to find the one that’s right for you.

New User Registration

Are you studying maths, statistics, physics, economics, engineering or computer science in South Africa? Do you want to learn more about what further study, funding, work experience or career opportunities are available to you? Register with Quantify Your Future now to receive news and updates on the latest studies and careers news!

New User Registration

Are you studying maths, statistics, physics, economics, engineering or computer science in South Africa? Do you want to learn more about what further study, funding, work experience or career opportunities are available to you? Register with Quantify Your Future now to receive news and updates on the latest studies and careers news!

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