closing date
30 September

Tomorrow Trust
Tomorrow Trust is a non-profit organization supporting children and youth in need, throughout their educational journey. Our students are offered full bursaries together with tailored psycho-social and academic support throughout their qualification. Holistic workshops are run each month to assist students in preparing for the world of work.
- Students must be between the ages of 18 and 24
- Students must be pursuing a full time course at an accredited institution of higher learning
- Bursaries are offered in any field of study either for undergraduate or Honours
- Students must be unable to access or have greatly difficulty in obtaining funding for tertiary education
- Students must have a keen desire to learn and develop themselves
- Certified copy of SA ID
- Matric Certificate (Grade 11 & 12 results if still in high school)
- Full academic transcript if at university
- Updated fee statement from the university
- Motivational letter
- Proof of household income
- Payslips
- Grant slips
- Death certificates if parents have passed away
- Affidavits if parents are unemployed or not present
What does the bursary or scholarship offering entail e.g. tuition, accommodation, meal allowance, etc.
Full bursaries covering costs for Tuition, Textbooks, Accommodation, Transport & Food Allowance
Partial bursaries or ‘top ups’ are also available if other funding already exists
Please email psadmin@tomorrow.org.za and request an application form